Friday, November 15, 2013

It Is Perfectly Okay and Normal

First off, I apologize for the language above. Secondly, can I get an amen sista? With so many changes and big decisions I have coming up in the next 6 months of my life, I am trying to embrace this concept. Y'all know that home girl here is a full-blown type-A personality that likes to have all major choices planned out, so this is a lot harder than you would think.

In the past 6 months I have finished the didactic portion of my pharmacy career, traveled to 3 different states across the western United States for clinicals, met new friends, attended weddings, and had to say good bye to loved ones before I was ready. The only thing I know about life is that it is unexpected and the only thing we can do is trust in God to direct us through it all as he does time and time again.

This weekend I am driving back to NM (~1600 miles) with my dad to start my next rotation bright and early Monday morning. So for now all I can do is embrace the craziness, hope for the best and pray  I am able to hear God direct me on the right path. With that being said, I could really use some extra prayers over the next few months.

Have a great weekend loves!


  1. I'm sure it will all work out and be even better than you imagine!

  2. You got this. It's scary and stressful but it's also awesome and exciting. You'll make the right decision. I'll be sending prayers your way!
