Saturday, March 8, 2014

Hello Lovely

Sorry y'all but things have been a little bit crazy lately. Since Valentine's day, I have switched rotations. I am currently working in Topeka, Kansas at a small independent pharmacy. I have been exposed to a completely different aspect of pharmacy so far. Everything has been going great and it has been great stay with Brother of Mine up here. I currently have one week down, so you know what that means . . . 20 days until I am done with school FOR-EV-ER!! :)

Lets see, what else has been going on? Oh well my last week of rotatoin in Las Cruces I was out sick. Y'all know how it goes when one person in the house gets sick, everybody else gets it to. Well my Papa got pneumonia and the flu, he gave my G-Ma broncitis and the flu and one of them gave me a sinus infection and the flu. Whew, what a mess!! Needless to say, I was not allowed to finish out my rotation with the cancer patients. I did not want to expose them to any type of infection with their immune system beign supressed. Luckily, I am almost completely over that nonsense and almost back to full health.

I am going to be spending my first weekend in Kansas running around like normal. Today is the annual Fake Patty's Day celebration. It is a big celebration that takes place in Manhattan, KS. It is quite the event to attend. Basically they shut down Aggieville (which is the bar area) to cross traffic and everybody strolls from bar to bar. The bars open up early too, if I am remembering correctly it is around 9 am. Ya I know, CRAZY talk. I'm not quite sure I would be able to hang with those crazy college kids if I showed up at 9 am, so I plan on going a little later on.

Tomorrow should be a little bit more laid back. I am going to be attending a baby shower for the brother's girlfriend's sister. Haha I am sure I will be ready for a more relaxed day after the festivities from today close down.

I hope yall's weekends are just a fun and festive!
I know I say this a lot, but I will try to stay in better touch.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! So jealous! I have heard about Fake Paddy's Day and I would love to go....although I may be too old now. ;) You live it up for both of us sister!
